Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Team photos

Team photos from the 2007 Relay for Life are now available online!

From this link, you should be able to view the photos, download specific photos and, if you prefer, order prints.

For right now, this is only the team photos, survivor group photo, 4 a.m. photo and clock photo.

More albums will be coming soon!

Here's the link:

Thanks to you all for helping to make 2007 a VERY successful Relay for Life!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Click on Jpeg image and it should load on your computer in larger format.
Relay For Life Schedule of Events
July 20 & 21, 2007

3:30 p.m. All cars off the track

4 p.m. Walking begins. Survivors Dinner

5 p.m. Wacky Lap #1: Support your Favorite Team

6 p.m. Opening Ceremonies, Survivors Lap, Caregivers Lap and Team Laps
Movie Theme campsite judging (costumes WILL be considered!)

7 p.m. Motorcycle Lap

7:15 p.m. Movie Trivia Challenge.

7:30 p.m. Wacky Lap #2: Colors of Cancer

8:15 p.m. Wacky Lap #3: Rain, Rain, Go Away

8:45 p.m. Singer: Melissa Bayless

9 p.m. Luminaria ceremony.

10 p.m. Fireworks followed by the Light Up the Night Youth Lap

10:30 p.m. Relay Committee: Training for Relay

11 p.m. Wacky Lap #4: "Deal or No Deal"

11:30 p.m. "Deal or No Deal"

Midnight Relay for Life Home Makeover, followed by movie

12:30 p.m. Captain's meeting

2 a.m. "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth-Grader?"

3 a.m. The Great Co-Chair Pie in the Face Challenge

4 a.m. 4 a.m. Club photo.

4:30 a.m. Frozen T-shirt Contest

5 a.m. Luminaria Ceremony repeated

5:30 a.m. Sunrise Service. Pastor Steve Ingram.

7 a.m. Closing Ceremonies. Raffle drawing and awards. Relay Wrap-Up

All times are approximate.
All night D.J.
We will also be hearing from survivors throughout the event.

2007 Macon County
Relay for Life
Team Information
Theme: Relay for Life Back to the Movies
Date: Friday and Saturday, July 20 & 21
Time: 4 p.m. to 8 a.m.
Richland Community College, RAIN OR SHINE!

Important Dates:

Cancer Survivor Packet Pickup:
Saturday, July 14
9 a.m. to noonSt. Mary’s Cancer Care Center

Campsite Selection:
Tuesday, July 17, 5:30 p.m. informational meeting
Richland Community College Shilling Center

All cars must be off the track by 3:30 p.m. the day of the event.
No homemade food items may be sold on Richland grounds
due to Health Department regulations. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!
Each team please provide one (two, if possible) volunteer to help
with the Survivors Dinner (4 to 6 p.m.)
Please be prepared to clean up your team’s campsite: If you bring it in,
you must either throw it away or carry it back out.

Deadline to buy luminarias is 7 p.m. to have name displayed during ceremony.
8 p.m. without display during the ceremony.

Silent Auction:
Baskets and items for the silent auction may be dropped off the day of the event in Shilling, beginning at 8 a.m. Please remember, no homemade food items will be accepted
for the Silent Auction (no exceptions!).
Hours: 4 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.

Relay Mall:
Relay Mall will be located in the middle of the track. Teams who wish to have tables must reserve a table by 8 p.m. Thursday, July 19, so we can plan space. Proceeds from the Relay Mall go to benefit ACS and Relay 2007! (Remember: No homemade food items can be sold!)
Hours: 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Raffle Tickets:
Raffle tickets will be sold up until the drawing during closing ceremonies.
Please turn in any evening sales to the bank before midnight.

Accounting will be located inside Richland Community College, rain or shine. Follow signs.
Hours: 4 to 5:45 p.m.; 7 to 8:45 p.m.; 10:30 to midnight
Please try to restrict banking needs to those times for credit on Saturday morning totals.
For banking questions outside those hours, see a co-chair.

Items for individuals to bring:
Money for fundraisers & silent auction/food & drink purchases
Wear comfortable shoes. Feel free to bring an extra pair!
Wear lightweight clothing that can be layered. Be sure to bring long pants, jacket, even mittens in case of cold weather overnight.
Sunglasses & hat
Umbrella/rain jackets & hats
Wacky Lap wardrobe
Sleeping bags and/or blankets

Teams should have:
A clock for tracking your hours overnight (fancy, plain, homemade, it’s up to you)
Enough sunscreen for each team member
Enough bug spray for team members
Sign for campsite identifying your team
Any items for decorating your campsite
Food and drinks (food may be prepared on grills/served at campsites
for team members and others - it just cannot be sold)

Wacky Laps:
Three winners from each Wacky Lap will be chosen to receive certificates and a bag of Relay goodies (and possibly a special surprise!) Do your team proud!

Wacky Lap #1: Support your team.
Walk for the Cubs ... or Cardinals ... or Bears ... or Mt. Zion Braves ...
from Little League to the pros, gear up and get out there.

Wacky Lap #2: Colors of Cancer.
This time it’s personal! Each cancer has a color. Display the color that corresponds with the one
you’d most like to see wiped out! There will be color charts on display in Shilling.

Wacky Lap #3: Rain, Rain, Go Away.
Remember last year’s monsoon? Get out on the track in your wackiest rain gear and help keep the rain away for this year. Don’t forget to decorate those umbrellas!

Wacky Lap #4: "Deal or No Deal"
Put on your slinkiest (or wackiest) dress or do your best Howie imitation
and get out on the track. Here’s your chance to strut your stuff!

Rain plan:

Immediately upon moving
indoors, a movie will be started in Shilling
to give committee a chance to regroup and assess the situation.
Relayers will be kept updated on the situation by announcements in Shilling and over the public address system at Richland.
If weather doesn’t permit Relay to move back outdoors, all laps will take place on Richland hallways and activities will be moved into Shilling
Relay Mall will be moved inside by volunteers (if during Mall hours)
Relayers have a choice of places to be:
Shilling, watching the movie;
Walking the hallways around Richland, in place of the track;
Playing board games in cafeteria area;
Shopping Relay Mall (if during Mall hours).

Spirit Points:
New this year are spirit points earned the night/morning of Relay.
Teams will be awarded points for the following:
Helping set up for Relay on Friday
Each hour on their clock
Having a banner in the parade
Decorating campsite
Baskets in the Silent Auction
Having an onsite fundraiser
Team members on the track
Participating in the Wacky Laps
Helping with the Survivors Dinner
Staying overnight (each team member)
Volunteering for a task at Relay
Helping to clean up on Saturday morning

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Relay for Life schedule of events

Saturday, April 28, was the Macon County Relay for Life 2007 kickoff. At the kickoff, the schedule of events for Relay on July 20 & 21 was unveiled.

Below is the schedule. Tell your friends, family and survivors to be there!

Relay For Life Schedule
July 20 & 21, 2007

3:30 p.m. All cars off the track

4 p.m. Walking and Survivors Dinner begin; Silent Auction, Bank and Relay Mall open

5 p.m. First Wacky Lap: Support your Team: Professional, High School, Little League - gear up!

5:45 p.m. Bank closes, Survivors Dinner wraps up

6 p.m. Opening Ceremonies followed by Survivors Lap, Caregivers Lap and Team Laps
Movie Theme campsite judging (costumes WILL be considered!)

7 p.m. Bank reopens. Movie Trivia Challenge.

7:30 p.m. Wacky Lap #2: Colors of Cancer: Wear the cancer color for those you're walking for.

8:15 p.m. Wacky Lap #3: Rain, Rain, Go Away: Get out that rain/water gear. Dust off and decorate those umbrellas and galoshes. Dress in your wackiest rain gear to celebrate the anniversary of 2006's monsoon!

8:45 p.m. Bank closes.

9 p.m. Luminaria ceremony

9:45 p.m. Silent Auction closes.

10 p.m. Fireworks followed by the Light Up the Night Youth Lap

10:30 p.m. Bank reopens. Relay Committee: Training for Relay

11 p.m. Wacky Lap #4: "Deal or No Deal": All you models (male OR female) and all you Howies, get out on the track.

11:30 p.m. "Deal or No Deal"

Midnight Relay for Life Home Makeover, followed by movie

12:30 p.m. Captain's meeting

2 a.m. "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth-Grader?"

3 a.m. The Great Co-Chair Pie in the Face Challenge

4 a.m. 4 a.m. Club photo.

4:30 a.m. Frozen T-shirt Contest

5 a.m. Luminaria Ceremony repeated

5:30 a.m. Sunrise Service

7 a.m. Closing Ceremonies and Relay Wrap-Up

All night: D.J. and survivors stories

All times are approximate.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Silent Auction/Raffle basket ideas

A couple of overall tips on basket auctions or raffles:

1. Keep them somewhat small for auctions - for raffles, it's different, go big. People are more likely to bid up a smaller basket - $30 to $50 or so - than to bid up a real expensive basket (worth hundreds). Or to bid on several baskets, instead of just one, which drives the prices up on all the baskets. Obviously there are exceptions, with really popular items (iPods, Gameboy, etc.) that will get high and )heavy bids anyway.
2. Usually, knickknacky things do not go well, or for what they are worth. Peoples tastes in those kinds of things are very different. The exception to this may be something like Precious Moments or Disney, which have a bigger fan base and overall appeal and also a good resale value on a secondary market.
3. Keep with a theme (or a theme within a theme. If you go with a movie basket, maybe make it a certain kind of movie - i.e. kids movies, horror movies, etc.)
4. If you can put together a few items and then include a gift certificate (hairdresser, gym, grocery store, mall, etc.) you may be able to get the certificate or gift card donated and increase the value of the basket without adding extra expense.
5. Many of the things listed below can fit into many different baskets, be creative, keep your eyes peeled for ideas.
6. Shop end-of-season sales for the next Relay. Don't buy the junk, but the really nice stuff that may have been marked down. Shop sales in general, and keep your eyes out for bargains.
7. I don't usually celophane-wrap my baskets. It looks pretty and makes an attractive package, but people are more likely to bid - and bid higher - on things they can see. A list won't do it. I do, however, also enclose a list.
8. A basket doesn't have to be a "basket" literally. It can be a tote or a tub, it can be a backpack or baby diaper bag, etc. My movie basket last year was a cardboard box covered in gold foil wrap with stills from movies I printed out on the sides and black and gold ribbon and black cardboard stars for accents.
A team can do a basket real easy without a lot of expense - pick a basket theme and then have everyone donate one item. Or if you have a lot of people participating, split into groups and make the basket with each person donating at least one item.

So here goes (these are just starter suggestions of items to include):

Food baskets:

Pizza basket: For example, include a pizza stone, oven mitt, recipe book, fancy pizza cutter, parmesian cheese, any combination of pizza-related items.
Spaghetti basket: Noodles, cookbook, fancy sauce, Italian cookbooks, themed kitchen towels, plates, etc.
Grilling basket: Apron, grilling tools, grilling cookbook, mitt, seasoning mixes or mainades, chef's hat
Slow-cooker basket: Put in a slow cooker (crock-pot), cookbook, kitchen towels, utensils
Sundae basket: Put in an ice cream scoop, fancy ice cream bowls, a variety of toppings, sprinkles, cherries, etc.

Kids' baskets:

Baby baskets: These are popular, but if you get too many of them in an auction, none of them will go for much. Include baby basics like outfits, diapers, wipes, baby blankets, homemade (crochet or knit) afghans, booties, bottles, diaper bag, toys, stuffed animals, CDs of lullabyes, etc. You can also do a theme within a theme, such as baby's bath time, baby's bed time.
Toy baskets: Put together a theme - a Barbie basket, for example. Or whatever the popular toy theme may be for the year - we did a "Toy Story" basket one year when those toys were hot and it went for a lot of money. Include toys, games, coloring books, dolls or action figures, etc.
Books: Put together a basket of kids' books and pick an age group, i.e. preschoolers, little kids, young adult, sci-fi, Harry Potter, etc. You can include journals, bookmarks, etc.
Game Boy or electronics baskets. These are really popular, but expensive to put together unless you get items donated, but you can put in controllers, popular games (not close-outs), magazines, etc.
Learning toys: Pick an age group and include learning toys directed to that age group, including books, videos, electronics, workbooks, etc.
Movies/videos: Pick a theme. If Power Rangers are big, do some Power Ranger videos or DVDs. Disney is also good. Include popcorn, movie snacks, 3-D glasses (whether or not there's a 3-D movie included, they make a great visual), 2-liter bottles of soda (one caution, if your Relay is outdoors in the summer, chocolate candy may not be a great idea in really hot weather!)
Back to School basket: Backpack, pencils, pens, notebooks, folders, paper, glue, glue sticks, bookmarks, book covers, etc.

Family baskets:

Game night basket: Include popular family games like Clue, Monopoly, Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, Scene It, etc., but keep in mind ages - you may want to go for the kids' version of some games if you're aiming toward younger families. Include a brownie mix or microwave popcorn, popcorn bowls, ice cream bowls, anything that would tie in.
Beach basket: Beach blanket, games like horseshoes, badminton, etc., beach toys, sunglasses, umbrella, beach balls, sunscreen, cooler, etc.
Movie basket: Much the same as above, only family-type movies. Again, include movie snacks, microwave popcorn, even movie trivia games. I did an entire basket on "The Incredibles" when it came out on DVD that included the special edition of the movie, lithographs, a pin, some dolls, etc., that I'd ordered in advance from the Disney Store. Since some of this was only available with the preorder of the movie, not a lot of people had them and they couldn't just walk into a store and get them.
Picnic basket: Picnic blanket, picnic basket, plates (melamine or really nice disposable) utensils, cooler, freezer blocks, (wine if you're allowed by the site and going for an older audience), soda, simple outdoor games like frisbee, nerf football, etc.

Adult baskets:

Coffee basket: A selection of gourmet coffees in sample sizes (i.e. Starbucks, Caribou, Harry & David, etc.) coffee mugs, coffee-themed towels, coffee scoop, coffee canister, coffee grinder - all kinds of stuff.
Chocolate-lovers' basket: Again keep in mind the weather/heat. A few gourmet chocolates or cocoa, any number of chocolate-related items, including towels, T-shirts, etc.
Exercise basket: Trial gym membership, towels, jump rope, small hand weights, fitness magazines, T-shirts, leg warmers, water bottles,
Pampering basket: Spa or massage gift certificate, scented candles, bath pillow, bath beads, luxury bath robe, lotions like Bath & Body works (trial size),
Kitchen basket: Based on a theme, i.e. sunflowers, roosters, Disney, patriotic, etc. Kitchen towels, candles, air fresheners, potholders, recipe cards, recipe box, sponges, cutting boards, fancy knives or utensils, spoon rests, refrigerator magnets
Garden basket: Works best if your Relay is early, even mid, summer. Garden tools, seeds, watering can, fertilizer, gardening gloves, kneeling pads, small plants or flowers, etc.
Wedding basket: Bride & Groom items like hats (Disney does some great ones, but I think they're only available in the parks), picture frames, handmade afghan with heart pattern, anything for the newlyweds, etc.
Baking basket: Cookie sheets, pie tins, cake pans, baking utensils, spatula, cooling racks, cookie mixes, cake or brownie mixes, frosting, sprinkles, hot pads, potholders, timers, cookbooks, etc.
Relay or Awareness baskets: Put together a breast cancer awareness basket or a basket of Relay for Life items like keychains, lanyards, blankets, handmade afghans (we had a pink ribbon quilt last year go for nearly $100 - someone donated it to our team in memory of their aunt), hats, jewelry or charms, T-shirts, picture frames, water bottles, photo albums, etc.
Music basket: Best Buy/Circuit City gift certificate, portable CD player, music note notepads, music themed items such as jewelry, totes, pictures, frames, etc.
Pet baskets: I've seen some cat-themed baskets go for a lot of money. Not items FOR pets, but items for humans about pets. Totes with cats or dogs on them, books, coffee mugs, hats, jewelry, keychains, notebooks, pens, etc. Some stores, such as PetSmart, carry many different items for pet lovers, especially around Christmastime.
Photo baskets: Disposable cameras, gift certificates for processing, photo albums, picture frames, picture cubes, etc.
Tool basket: Maybe have a tool chest and a variety of tools or gadgets to go with it.
Business baskets: If you know someone who does Longaberger baskets who would donate a basket you could fill; Pampered Chef basket with assorted items; Mary Kay cosmetics; Tupperware; any number of home-based businesses that could put together a basket and also promote their business at the same time.

If you know some talented people: Last year, there was a beautiful handmade chest (put together as a pirate's chest), the year before that, there was a little kids' table and chairs set that was just beautiful. Again, if this person sells this stuff for a living, it's a nice perk for their business and makes money for your team.

Hobby/Craft baskets:

Scrapbooking: Find a Creative Memories dealer and either have her or you put together a cute little basket of basic supplies, or pick up supplies at your local craft store. Include an album, some stickers, some ribbon, craft scissors, stencils, embellishments. Sometimes you can go with a theme (universal one like travel, back to school, Christmas, Halloween, etc.) One I bought last year had a ready-made Relay album that all I had to do was add the pictures - it was really cool.
Sports: Favorite sports team stuff, game tickets, hats, T-shirts, sports equipment. Illini (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) is really big around here. Last year, I crocheted an afghan in the school colors (Orange and Dark Blue) and put it in an orange tote with a floor pillow that had the school logo on it - it went for about $80 - a fraction of the cost.
Knitting/Crocheting: Knitting is really popular right now. You can put in some basic pattern books, some yarn, needles or hooks, how-to books, kits, project totes, etc.
Fishing: If fishing is popular in your area, you can put together a tackle box, reels or poles, lures, fishing hat, cooler, etc. I'm not a fishing person, but I know there are tons of stuff you can find.
Writing or letter writing basket: Journal, stationery, pens, pencils, dictionary, thesaurus, stickers, sealing wax, etc.
Sewing basket: Include a sewing box with standard items (you can even buy some of these already stocked) books, patterns, gift certificate to sewing/craft store or for sewing lessons, thread, ribbon, buttons, etc.

If you or someone on your team is creative, they can put together something handmade and either make that the auctioned item or part of a basket. Last year, a handmade pink ribbon quilt we had donated to our team for the silent auction made a LOT of money, but it was gorgeous.

Holiday baskets:

Christmas, Halloween, etc: Pick a theme within a theme, such as decorating, baking, angels, kitchen, party and pick items appropriately to go in the basket. For Christmas, specifically, you can focus on tree decorations and include some fancy ornaments, lights, star or angel to go on top, etc. For Halloween, you can focus on trick-or-treats and include a candy basket or bowl - maybe one that lights up or makes noise - fun size candy (it doesn't mattter if it makes it to Halloween), things to light up outside your home, etc. There's also Easter, Fourth of July, you get the idea.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Relay for Life 2006 photo album online

For all of you who'd like to view photos from last year's event, here is the link:

Take a look at the storm coming in! Lots of awesome photos.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The significance of Relay's overnight

Gordy's Vision

Dr. Gordy Klatt, the father/founder of Relay, had a vision for what Relay symbolized.. This tries to capture it.

Dr. Klatt had a purpose when he began the 24-hour Relay in 1985. The significance of daytime and nighttime coincides with the journey that all cancer patients go through.

Clear your mind and picture...

It's daylight. Life is wonderful. You're healthy, happy and looking forward to the future. You're looking forward to your child's dance recital or taking your child to Disney World for a vacation. You're looking forward to the new house you just bought. you have a new dream job that you're thrilled about.

But then, ...darkness falls.

You hear those words "You've got cancer," or worse, your child has cancer. Your life has suddenly become very dark. You don't know what the outcome will be. You feel there is no hope in sight. You start your treatments. You're nauseous and you have no hair. You're exhausted from caring for your child and from the agony knowing there's nothing you can do to make him healthy again. You couldn't possible feel any worse.


The sun starts to rise. The tumor is shrinking. Your treatments are working. You're getting your appetite back. Your child feels well enough to go out and play for just a few minutes. There is hope.
It is now daylight, and you're in remission. You have your life back. You've made it through the night and the darkness. you celebrate life in the daylight knowing that the darkness of nighttime is behind you.

That is why we Relay, This is why Relay is an overnight event.

Team Basics

Having a team requires:
  • Teams are made up of 10 to 15 friends, co-workers, family, clubs, organizations and, basically, anyone. Teams can be smaller than 10, but that puts the team at a definite disadvantage in fundraising.
  • Teams must register online at the ACS Macon County Relay Web site. Forms for survivors, luminarias, etc., are also available online. Registering online allows, if the team/member wishes, the use of e-mail fundraising from the site, donations to be made to teams and individuals online through use of a credit card or by printing out a mail-in form and team and individual team member Web sites.
  • Cost is $100 to register a team for Relay for Life. However, there are special "deals" for registering, if you time it right. Macon County’s deal for 2007 is that team registration is $60 through the kickoff, which is Saturday, April 28. We will also be giving away a few "free" registrations as door prizes at the kickoff.
  • A team captain/co-captains/leaders must be willing to attend information meetings once a month (more in June/July, as the event gets closer) or send someone in their place and pass that information on to team members. Meetings are not limited to team captains or to one person per team. Anyone interested in Relay, being on a team, being a captain or volunteering is welcome.
  • Fundraising: Suggested fundraising goal is $100 per team member, with a total per team of $1,000 to $1,500. However, this is only a suggested goal. There is no fundraising police to bust teams that don’t make the suggested goal, and every dollar raised is important. However, the whole purpose of Relay for Life, and one of the main reasons for the all-night celebration, is how much money is raised for ACS, so be serious about soliciting funds for your team. Fundraising gets easier the more and number of years you do it.
  • Teams must clean up their own campsite area when the night is over or before leaving, whichever comes first. When decorating campsites, remember, what you bring in, you must either take to the trash or take with you.

Having a team does NOT require:
  • Staying on site all night. It’s more fun when teams stay the whole time, and they get more of a chance to participate in the activities and fundraising, but it’s not a requirement. Also, there is a significance to the all-night format.
  • Fundraising online or having a personal Web site on the ACS Macon County Relay Web site. Those tools are there if individuals/teams wish to use them.
  • Participation in any games/activities the night of Relay for Life. Each team is asked to do a lap with all the teams as part of the opening ceremonies, and teams are asked to have one person on the track at all times, but sitting and enjoying the fellowship, stories and atmosphere is fine, too.
  • Elaborate campsite decorations. It’s up to each team as to how much/little they wish to do.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Our spot to blog about Relay: Purpose

Hello, everyone.

This is something new (for me, too) and I hope everyone will take advantage of it, use it, pass the link around to those interested in this thing called Relay and why we do it and enjoy. In the upcoming weeks, I'll be putting in posts with frequently asked questions about the Macon County Relay for Life. Things like forming a team, banking, fundraising, campsites, etc., etc., as a way of addressing some of those things that don't get covered every meeting and, yet, there's information that needs to be passed along - for new participants, those thinking about participating and even some of us old-timers, as things change from year to year.

Please feel free to post questions here, add your ideas and comments, helpful hints to new teams/captains, etc. Post your fundraisers here, as well as on the bulletin board on our ACS site. I'll even add a spot at some point for "Why I Relay" stories, so everyone can share and get to know each other a bit.

Right now, the plan is that I'm NOT going to moderate, or OK, comments. I just don't see the need. Please remember that Relay is a family event, and as such, I'd like language to reflect that goal. I'd also like comments to remain positive. The overriding theme for Relay is "HOPE" and, while a little bit of moaning and complaining is expected ("I'm SOOOOO tired!") I'm hoping this will be a positive place.

So, laugh, cry, share, and enjoy.

Shari Cain, c0-chair 2007 Relay for Life of Macon County