Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Our spot to blog about Relay: Purpose

Hello, everyone.

This is something new (for me, too) and I hope everyone will take advantage of it, use it, pass the link around to those interested in this thing called Relay and why we do it and enjoy. In the upcoming weeks, I'll be putting in posts with frequently asked questions about the Macon County Relay for Life. Things like forming a team, banking, fundraising, campsites, etc., etc., as a way of addressing some of those things that don't get covered every meeting and, yet, there's information that needs to be passed along - for new participants, those thinking about participating and even some of us old-timers, as things change from year to year.

Please feel free to post questions here, add your ideas and comments, helpful hints to new teams/captains, etc. Post your fundraisers here, as well as on the bulletin board on our ACS site. I'll even add a spot at some point for "Why I Relay" stories, so everyone can share and get to know each other a bit.

Right now, the plan is that I'm NOT going to moderate, or OK, comments. I just don't see the need. Please remember that Relay is a family event, and as such, I'd like language to reflect that goal. I'd also like comments to remain positive. The overriding theme for Relay is "HOPE" and, while a little bit of moaning and complaining is expected ("I'm SOOOOO tired!") I'm hoping this will be a positive place.

So, laugh, cry, share, and enjoy.

Shari Cain, c0-chair 2007 Relay for Life of Macon County

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this idea!
--- sam b.