Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Relay For Life Schedule of Events
July 20 & 21, 2007

3:30 p.m. All cars off the track

4 p.m. Walking begins. Survivors Dinner

5 p.m. Wacky Lap #1: Support your Favorite Team

6 p.m. Opening Ceremonies, Survivors Lap, Caregivers Lap and Team Laps
Movie Theme campsite judging (costumes WILL be considered!)

7 p.m. Motorcycle Lap

7:15 p.m. Movie Trivia Challenge.

7:30 p.m. Wacky Lap #2: Colors of Cancer

8:15 p.m. Wacky Lap #3: Rain, Rain, Go Away

8:45 p.m. Singer: Melissa Bayless

9 p.m. Luminaria ceremony.

10 p.m. Fireworks followed by the Light Up the Night Youth Lap

10:30 p.m. Relay Committee: Training for Relay

11 p.m. Wacky Lap #4: "Deal or No Deal"

11:30 p.m. "Deal or No Deal"

Midnight Relay for Life Home Makeover, followed by movie

12:30 p.m. Captain's meeting

2 a.m. "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth-Grader?"

3 a.m. The Great Co-Chair Pie in the Face Challenge

4 a.m. 4 a.m. Club photo.

4:30 a.m. Frozen T-shirt Contest

5 a.m. Luminaria Ceremony repeated

5:30 a.m. Sunrise Service. Pastor Steve Ingram.

7 a.m. Closing Ceremonies. Raffle drawing and awards. Relay Wrap-Up

All times are approximate.
All night D.J.
We will also be hearing from survivors throughout the event.

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