Tuesday, July 10, 2007

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Relay For Life Schedule of Events
July 20 & 21, 2007

3:30 p.m. All cars off the track

4 p.m. Walking begins. Survivors Dinner

5 p.m. Wacky Lap #1: Support your Favorite Team

6 p.m. Opening Ceremonies, Survivors Lap, Caregivers Lap and Team Laps
Movie Theme campsite judging (costumes WILL be considered!)

7 p.m. Motorcycle Lap

7:15 p.m. Movie Trivia Challenge.

7:30 p.m. Wacky Lap #2: Colors of Cancer

8:15 p.m. Wacky Lap #3: Rain, Rain, Go Away

8:45 p.m. Singer: Melissa Bayless

9 p.m. Luminaria ceremony.

10 p.m. Fireworks followed by the Light Up the Night Youth Lap

10:30 p.m. Relay Committee: Training for Relay

11 p.m. Wacky Lap #4: "Deal or No Deal"

11:30 p.m. "Deal or No Deal"

Midnight Relay for Life Home Makeover, followed by movie

12:30 p.m. Captain's meeting

2 a.m. "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth-Grader?"

3 a.m. The Great Co-Chair Pie in the Face Challenge

4 a.m. 4 a.m. Club photo.

4:30 a.m. Frozen T-shirt Contest

5 a.m. Luminaria Ceremony repeated

5:30 a.m. Sunrise Service. Pastor Steve Ingram.

7 a.m. Closing Ceremonies. Raffle drawing and awards. Relay Wrap-Up

All times are approximate.
All night D.J.
We will also be hearing from survivors throughout the event.

2007 Macon County
Relay for Life
Team Information
Theme: Relay for Life Back to the Movies
Date: Friday and Saturday, July 20 & 21
Time: 4 p.m. to 8 a.m.
Richland Community College, RAIN OR SHINE!

Important Dates:

Cancer Survivor Packet Pickup:
Saturday, July 14
9 a.m. to noonSt. Mary’s Cancer Care Center

Campsite Selection:
Tuesday, July 17, 5:30 p.m. informational meeting
Richland Community College Shilling Center

All cars must be off the track by 3:30 p.m. the day of the event.
No homemade food items may be sold on Richland grounds
due to Health Department regulations. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!
Each team please provide one (two, if possible) volunteer to help
with the Survivors Dinner (4 to 6 p.m.)
Please be prepared to clean up your team’s campsite: If you bring it in,
you must either throw it away or carry it back out.

Deadline to buy luminarias is 7 p.m. to have name displayed during ceremony.
8 p.m. without display during the ceremony.

Silent Auction:
Baskets and items for the silent auction may be dropped off the day of the event in Shilling, beginning at 8 a.m. Please remember, no homemade food items will be accepted
for the Silent Auction (no exceptions!).
Hours: 4 p.m. to 9:45 p.m.

Relay Mall:
Relay Mall will be located in the middle of the track. Teams who wish to have tables must reserve a table by 8 p.m. Thursday, July 19, so we can plan space. Proceeds from the Relay Mall go to benefit ACS and Relay 2007! (Remember: No homemade food items can be sold!)
Hours: 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Raffle Tickets:
Raffle tickets will be sold up until the drawing during closing ceremonies.
Please turn in any evening sales to the bank before midnight.

Accounting will be located inside Richland Community College, rain or shine. Follow signs.
Hours: 4 to 5:45 p.m.; 7 to 8:45 p.m.; 10:30 to midnight
Please try to restrict banking needs to those times for credit on Saturday morning totals.
For banking questions outside those hours, see a co-chair.

Items for individuals to bring:
Money for fundraisers & silent auction/food & drink purchases
Wear comfortable shoes. Feel free to bring an extra pair!
Wear lightweight clothing that can be layered. Be sure to bring long pants, jacket, even mittens in case of cold weather overnight.
Sunglasses & hat
Umbrella/rain jackets & hats
Wacky Lap wardrobe
Sleeping bags and/or blankets

Teams should have:
A clock for tracking your hours overnight (fancy, plain, homemade, it’s up to you)
Enough sunscreen for each team member
Enough bug spray for team members
Sign for campsite identifying your team
Any items for decorating your campsite
Food and drinks (food may be prepared on grills/served at campsites
for team members and others - it just cannot be sold)

Wacky Laps:
Three winners from each Wacky Lap will be chosen to receive certificates and a bag of Relay goodies (and possibly a special surprise!) Do your team proud!

Wacky Lap #1: Support your team.
Walk for the Cubs ... or Cardinals ... or Bears ... or Mt. Zion Braves ...
from Little League to the pros, gear up and get out there.

Wacky Lap #2: Colors of Cancer.
This time it’s personal! Each cancer has a color. Display the color that corresponds with the one
you’d most like to see wiped out! There will be color charts on display in Shilling.

Wacky Lap #3: Rain, Rain, Go Away.
Remember last year’s monsoon? Get out on the track in your wackiest rain gear and help keep the rain away for this year. Don’t forget to decorate those umbrellas!

Wacky Lap #4: "Deal or No Deal"
Put on your slinkiest (or wackiest) dress or do your best Howie imitation
and get out on the track. Here’s your chance to strut your stuff!

Rain plan:

Immediately upon moving
indoors, a movie will be started in Shilling
to give committee a chance to regroup and assess the situation.
Relayers will be kept updated on the situation by announcements in Shilling and over the public address system at Richland.
If weather doesn’t permit Relay to move back outdoors, all laps will take place on Richland hallways and activities will be moved into Shilling
Relay Mall will be moved inside by volunteers (if during Mall hours)
Relayers have a choice of places to be:
Shilling, watching the movie;
Walking the hallways around Richland, in place of the track;
Playing board games in cafeteria area;
Shopping Relay Mall (if during Mall hours).

Spirit Points:
New this year are spirit points earned the night/morning of Relay.
Teams will be awarded points for the following:
Helping set up for Relay on Friday
Each hour on their clock
Having a banner in the parade
Decorating campsite
Baskets in the Silent Auction
Having an onsite fundraiser
Team members on the track
Participating in the Wacky Laps
Helping with the Survivors Dinner
Staying overnight (each team member)
Volunteering for a task at Relay
Helping to clean up on Saturday morning